Workshop 7 - Bush Dance


Select "CONTENT" that's relevant to the students and present in an engaging way that has meaning.

Political History:  Invaded --> Settled
--> Cross-cultural Fusion
--> Multi-culturalism

Social Dance/Folk Dance:
--> Role of Gender
--> Spatial Arrangement
--> Direction 

"The Stockyards" ~ Talk about the History/Learning Domain

(Text, Poem, Dance)
Issues might come up - Political --> Multi-Cultures --> Physical Disability --> Unfit/Obese Children

Cognitive         (Brain/Thinking) -> Through Body
Affective          (Working in Groups)
Psycho-Motor  (Body & Mind)

Dance Styles - Body of Knowledge
                       - Cultural Framework
                      -  Purpose/Context

RESEARCH:  Why doing that framework of dance style -> Bush Dance
                                                                                           -> Hip Hop
                                                                                           -> Aboriginal

*Be strict with locomotive, spatial, direction, physical gesture
*Rules:  Boy/Girl

ADAPT - How to teach to be safe, appropriate level and inclusive

Location ~ In the stockyards
               ~ Full on locomotion
               ~ Chance to meet (Men/Women)
               ~ Integral to Australian Society
               ~ Create context (English Morris Dancing developed into the:
                   Australian Bush Dancing
                   American Line Dancing

 Teach in an inclusive way ---------------------> Teach about the history

*Gets loud --> releases frustration
*Bushwackers Music
*Can get very unsafe

1)  Start by walking in the space
2)  Walk in rhythm to the music
3)  Start to swing elbows and extend legs
4)  Walking heel, ball, tow -> relaxed knees
5)  Little soft jog -> simple/less energy
6)  Jog next to somebody -> shoulder to shoulder -> backward/forward
7)  Walking individually -> stretching out/swinging arms high
8)  Make a wide & stretch shape -> high/middle/low levels
      (own shapes -> on each level)
9)  Roll and avoid each other -> round/curved ---> freeze (l, m, h)

10) GAME:  Jog/Freeze      (Locomotive instruction then freeze on a 
                                                              particular shape)

Slide/ LLR & C  HLW & S  ML T
Skip/  Long & Stretched Shape H, M or L -> Symmetrical/Asymmetrical
Skip/  Backwards/Forwards/Sideways  Long & Stretched LLR & C
Hop     Backwards ---> Gallop (back foot meets front foot)
Gallop Sideways   ---> Facing a partner
Jog/    LL-Twisted  LL-Asymmetrical  LL-Symmetrical  LL-W & S
                     (Make point of contact with a partner)
                           Symmetric Shape with Partner
Mid Brain Co-Ordination:
Skip  = Step/Hop --> to ball of feet (almost like a slide)
Walk = Heel/Ball/Toe --> knees bending
Run   = Toe/Ball/Heel
Hop   = Toe/Ball/Heel --> knee over bent --> hop extends to a leap

*Resting/Stretching Action/Rolling/Shaking/Hamstring Stretch/Point Toes/Rowing action to work abs/Make a shape to stretch glutes -> rolling ankles (both sides) -> rolling hip sockets (both sides)

*Slow roll up through spine/rise/fall



> Teacher calls (counting, spin, twirl, boys, girls)
> Timing of the music (the dance comes out of the music)
> Formative assessment while instructing the moves
> Sections/Choreographic Device ---> Repetition
   --> Unison --> Partner --> Whole Group
   --> Walk   -->  Skip    -->   Gallop

> Give positive focus on intention (rather than reprimanding)
> Find ways to give freedom of expression (but within safety/rules)
> Think about the use of gesture and locomotive travelling actions:
    - Walking
    - Skipping
    - Hopping
    - Polka
    - Waltz

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