Workshop 1 - Making Ideas Dance


Movement Vocabulary:
Macro-Perspective - The Big Picture:  Who? * Why? * How? * What? * Where?
Micro-Perspective  - How the elements of movement are constructed and how they are reflected back to us.

*TIME          *SPACE          *ENERGY

MOTIF:  An action that is repeated throughout the dance session, but it changes and develops as the class progresses.

*Action of shaking and vibrating hands.  Vibrated from side to side
*Simple ----------> Complex:  Begin simple then develop
*Use and Expression of Body:
- Parts:  head, neck, hands, fingers, trunk/spine
- Relationships:  over, under, near, far, in, out, on
- Shapes:  curved, straight, twisted, symmetrical
- Balance:  off balance, on balance
- Time:  slow, fast

WARM-UP:  A series of movements and exercises to increase heart rate and circulation, to encourage concentration and body awareness, and to stretch muscles that will be used in forthcoming activity.

SAFETY:  One of the most important things in a dance warm-up
                           - Safety in the 'space'
                           - Safety in the 'body'

*Standing on spot against the wall (Apprehensive!)
- Begin running up and down on the spot
- Shaking and vibrating hands
- Touch heads, shoulders, legs, knees
- Spontaneously raise hands in the air and SHOUT!

*Students run around the space
- To learn about and respect the space (safely)
- Spacial awareness (+ 've and - 've space)
- Use of space to physically invent self

*Running around calling someone's name
*Spontaneously stop and shake hands, run on spot and YELL!
*Use of 'Motif' here

Contract the Space and Improvise

Improvisation:  Movement that is created spontaneously, ranging from free-form to highly structured, but always with an element of chance; provides the dancer with the opportunity to bring elements quickly and requires focus and concentration.

-------> In a contracted space improvise with a leader
-------> Be creative on your feet and model to students

VELS Level 1 & 2  -------> Teach as a whole group
                                 -------> Model movements of the theme (fish)
                                 -------> Model levels:  high, medium, low
                                 -------> Model directions:  up, down, circular, backwards, forwards,
                                              sideways, diagonal
                                 -------> Include 'Motif':  shaking/vibrating hands to infer fish swimming

VELS Level 3 & 4  -------> Students work in small groups
                                 -------> Teacher comes up with intention (create your own school of fish)
                                 -------> Students develop the 'Macro' perspective
                                 -------> Students develop the movement vocabulary around the intention
                                 -------> Group structure may be symmetrical or asymmetrical
                                 -------> Movements may be in 'Unision', 'Contrast', or 'Canon'

Level 3                     -------> Groups present one group at a time, or alternatively
                                 -------> Groups present at the same time (each group shows their final pose
                                              so that the next group knows when to start their improvisation
                                              - (video and discuss after performance)
                                 -------> Teacher provides the structure and students will improvise and
                                              create movement around the structure

Level 4                     -------> Students may be given a task card
                                              - Read and interpret task card
                                              - Provide the response in dance class/performance
                                              - Dance becomes a problem-solving task
                                 -------> Level of presentation may be heightened

Our Own Unified Composition

  • Small groups of 5/6
  • Beginning, Development, Resolution
  • Intention:  School of Fish moving under water
  • Begin with a sustained movement; continuous flow of movement from shape to shape; light and fluent like floating
  • Move to vibratory movements:  rapid succession of quivering-like movements ('Motif' integrated once again)
  • Group working mainly in 'Unison' but sometimes in 'Succession' or 'Canon'
  • Revert back to sustained movement - ABA choreography
Dance Integration:  Dance can be integrated into:
Literacy - Tell the story from the task card.
Maths    - Numeracy equations and processes.
Science - Further investigation of topic/theme, eg. 'fish'

Simple ----> Complex:

Take a simple 'Motif' and build on it throughout the class
  • Focus on use of body
  • Spatial arrangement
  • Group structures
  • Movement qualities
  • Integrated into other curriculum

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