Task 2 - Part A: Choreographic Performance Creative Dance

Task 2 - Part A:
Choreographic Performance
Creative Dance

Direct Instruction/Compared to Improvisation

Movement Vocabulary:  -->Merc Cunningham -->Chance Choreography -->Random Selection -->Focus on Self -->Believe in Own Creativity (Own It!)

Elements of Space, Time, Energy

Consistent Shape, Level

*Individual ---> *Partnered ---> *Group
  • No Lyrics/No Narrative
  • Musicality/Abstract/Create own Timing
  • Value uniqueness of everyone - Inclusiveness

>  Repetition
>  Locomotion
>  Time:  Fast/Slow
>  Space/Direction:  Up/Down Forward/Backward Diagonal
>  Energy
>  Levels:  Up/Down
>  Transitions:  Smooth/Flow


Theme:  Dancing our Names

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